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Hello, I'm Catherine Rudy.  I own Tiny Lions Napoleons with my husband, Scott.  I've been working with Napoleons, now called Minuets, in TICA since 2015, and I have shown every year since they were accepted into Championship (May 2016).  I even started while they were in Advanced New Breed, a year earlier, while trying to get championship status.  In such a short time, I have founded Garden of the Cats, a nonprofit animal organization, and put on TICA sponsored cat shows in Colorado Springs. I am now on the Minuet Breed Committee with TICA.  I currently parent six Minuets, two retired breeding girls (Bing and Josie), one stud boy (Claude, pictured to the right), and three whole girls (Ellie, Sydney, and Lexie).  I show in TICA any time I can, which tends to be a lot.

Claude getting his Supreme.jpg
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